Citizens Express Views on Future Development of the Base

More than 550 residents tried their hand at planning the future of NAS-JRB Willow Grove air base on Friday, June 10, 2011. The community came out in a mass Friday afternoon and evening during two separate but identical three-hour planning charrette held at the Horsham Township Community Center to voice their ideas and hear other options in devising potential options for the 892-acre parcel. After a presentation by RKG Associates, Inc. (HLRA’s planning consultant) reviewing the process thus far, the audience broke into groups to discuss topics of employment, open space and other possibilities. During the breakout sessions attendees were asked to work collaboratively in small groups to map out plans both with and without an airport.

The high attendance during both the afternoon and evening sessions and the quality of the ideas discussed continues to illustrate that residents believe that the reuse of NAS-JRB Willow Grove is critical to the future of the Township and the surrounding region.

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